Grain Free Pumpkin Muffins


Pumpkin. Oh yes, I do love Pumpkin.

Coffee shops this time of year… Pumpkin. Pumpkin Spice, Pumpkin Scones, Pumpkin Muffins all filled with refined sugar, gut-bombing butter, & GLUTEN. I painted a beautiful picture, didn’t I? Sorry. 😉 But believe me, even though these things really aren’t as good as they sound when you break them down, I WANT them, I crave them… I’m jealous of my girlfriend that ordered her Pumpkin Scone at Starbucks in front of me and I’m salivating as I watch the sweet little family at the coffee shop split their Pumpkin muffin in fourths to share with one another… I must look like a crazy person.

One of the perks of becoming gluten free (besides changing my health forever) is that it has taught me to look at what is in our foods and to think about the choices we make of what we put in our bodies. Because I can’t have gluten, I can’t have those divine looking/smelling pumpkin pastries sitting in the glass case at Starbucks, and yes, I’m bummed, but in the end it’s a better deal. Of course I don’t want to say goodbye to pastries forever… how could I? So I find my own way, and I try to make them as “good for me” as possible. Another perk of being gluten free, having to create my own delicacies and having control of the ingredients. See, this is all good stuff people.

Now that I’ve wallowed and pondered, get yourselves in the kitchen and make these freaking amazing Grain Free (Gluten Free and Paleo) muffins! To me, they tasted like pumpkin pie, even had that texture, and strangely reminded me of a pumpkin cheesecake. I actually overbaked mine, or my oven was too hot and they were still freakin good. They were also good frozen, yeah, they’re already gone.

Here’s another simple recipe for you…

Know Your Ingredients:

Almond Flour: It’s simply ground almonds and such an excellent option for a flour to bake with. Almond flour is highly nutritious, high in protein, low carbohydrates, and low sugars. You will get Vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, calcium, and iron from Almonds. This is good stuff.

Pumpkin: I’ll be using a lot of this stuff in the next few months, and its not a bad thing. Pumpkin is great for you, providing you with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants! The beautiful Orange color of a pumpkin speaks volumes to your health packed full of Vitamin A specifically, as well as Vitamins C & E and so much more!

Chia Seeds: A great source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, even more than flax seeds! Chia seeds are so rich in antioxidants and full of many beneficial nutrients. These little seeds also contain measurable amounts of fiber and protein. I really love adding chia seeds into my baked goods just for a little extra healthy hidden gem!

If you’re interested in furthering your knowledge of the foods we eat and what our bodies need, look into the school I went to for nutrition and what it means to become a Holistic Health Coach. Click HERE!


*These muffins don’t rise a lot, so double ingredients if you want to make more than 6-8 muffins, I got 8 muffins*

1 cup almond flour/meal

1 cup canned pumpkin

2 eggs

1/4 cup unsweetened organic applesauce

1/4 cup organic honey

1 tsp baking powder

1 tbsp. chia seeds

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

1/4 tsp salt

*Chopped walnuts/pecans- optional or up to your liking


-Preheat oven to 350 degrees
-Mix all ingredients together in large mixing bowl
-fill muffin tins to the top (greased w/ coconut oil or lined with muffin liners)
-Bake for 25-30 minutes or until baked all the way through
-Cool before serving if you can wait! 😉 They were great frozen too!


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