Tenley’s Wedding Planning Series: Our Mini-Moon at Omni La Costa
Our Mini-Moon at Omni La Costa
Welp you guys, We're married!!!! Oh my goodness, it was THE BEST DAY of our lives. But… more on the day of and all the very special details once we have photos to share with you. Until then, I'm sharing other special moments and continuing with sharing some of my other Wedding Planning moments. I promise to continue to share with you all the details I can of this very special time in our lives, but the wedding itself will be the Grand Finale to it all! For today, we're talking Our Mini-Moon at Omni La Costa Resort & Spa! It was magical! (I might need to start using another word… but honestly this season of life has been summed up easily by that word. But if you have any other suggestions that I can add into my vocabulary, please comment below! 😉)
On Saturday, April 28th I woke up next to the most dreamy man, as his wife. I remember as we both woke up and smiled at each other, it was as if we needed to pinch each other to make sure the whole night before wasn't just a dream. As the wedding had come to an end on April 27th, I changed my dress into a cute two piece dress from BHLDN {linked HERE!} for our exit! We had planned to head straight to our Hotel (Omni La Costa Resort & Spa), but we were having too much fun celebrating with our friends and family that we decided to join for one hour more at the "After Party" that Taylor's parents were hosting at their home. We didn't last long, but we were grateful to get to continue the celebrations with everyone else just a bit longer.
{My "Get Away" Dress & shoes From BHLDN Linked HERE. The Gummies in Tay's hand, thanks to my mom. 😂}
Thankfully we weren't too far from our destination for the evening, as we chose to stay local (here in San Diego) so we wouldn't have to spend our first night married in a car. We arrived to our absolutely STUNNING suite at The Omni La Costa, where the girls and I had gotten ready for the wedding that day (more on day of the wedding details later!), but as I walked into that suite hand in hand with my "Husband", the room had a new sense of magic! (that word again 🙈) We were also happily greeted with a fun basket of snacks and champagne (courtesy of my mom and bestie, Alyssa), and some chocolate covered strawberries (courtesy of the resort)!
The morning after we were so grateful to be waking up in the cozy bed there, as happy and joyful as we were, we were EXHAUSTED. It was as if our bodies knew that all the sleepless nights of planning for the wedding were finally over and we could begin to cover an rest. We really didn't move for quite some time and ordered breakfast to the room, which was amazing!!! And the view, spectacular. We sat outside on a little patio from our room overlooking the golf course. As we enjoyed breakfast and champagne, we prayed together, and reminisced the night before- all the friends and family members we were able to celebrate with, the fun things that happened, and re-lived our favorite moments with one another. It was truly perfect.
What was best was that our plan for the day was NOTHING but to just be with each other and rest. For the first time in a long while we were able to truly just sit and enjoy one another without any planning, brain storming, or wedding related problem solving. We didn't have anywhere we had to be, no planes to catch, no plans whatsoever. And we both highly recommend that for the day after your wedding!
We chose to "Mini-Moon" for a few reasons, but I think the biggest, which we hadn't really done purposefully was that the two of us needed rest and down time with one another!! We basically slept for the next two days straight because of how our bodies knew it was truly time to recharge. If we had hopped on a plane the next day, we would've been feeling pretty groggy, and we wouldn't have been able to enjoy our destination. Another reason for our mini-moon was because we decided to plan a wedding within four months, so we hadn't really had time to plan or book a honeymoon. Mini-mooning bought us a few weeks more to plan! We also just wanted to settle in to our new exciting roles as Husband & Wife, to connect with one another, rest, laugh, and move on no one else's schedule except for our own. (Don't you love days like that?!) We chose to stay at Omni La Costa Resort and Spa because….well, obviously it is BEAUTIFUL and it offered exactly what we needed for a few days of recovery, and it's close to home for us.
We finally emerged from our restful room and enjoyed time by the pool and walked around on the beautiful property. There was a lot of stopping in our own tracks and realizing- "We're Married!!" Such a fun realization!
And it may be silly, but I have had soooo much fun wearing white! I know I still can, but it's has been fun being "bridal". Several of you have already asked on my instagram stories where this dress was from, it's from Lulus.com! Similar Dress linked HERE!
{Robe from BHLDN linked HERE - and I have sweats on underneath for any of those trying to figure that out!}
We will never forget these few days where we got to rest and recharge and celebrate becoming husband and wife! Thank you Omni La Costa for adding to these very cherished moments!
On our last day of just being the two of us without any other distractions or responsibilities, we did some shopping for our home as we were now moving in together for the first time! We took that last day to go through some boxes, sort through some things, and feel as settled in as we could… for now. We still have quite a few things we'd both like to do to make this house a home, but that will be a fun process once we return from our Honeymoon! Taylor also enjoyed his pancakes using one of our new gifts for our home together! (P.S. I wish I could take the credit for those pancakes, but he made them… but they were Grain Free and delicious!)
We're absolutely loving every second of this great gift of marriage and being able to do life together! I'm sure we have some fun learning ahead, but so far each day has been a blast as we create new routines together. Our mini-moon was amazing, but coming up… our Honeymoon which I'm sure will be Epic!!
I would love to hear stories from those of you that chose to mini-moon vs. Honeymoon, or those of you that went straight on your honeymoon?! And where did you, or do you plan to go for your honeymoon?! Please share in the comments below!